Since July 2019 Villa Spinosa has joined FIVI, the Italian Federation of Indipendent Winegrowers.

July 09th, 2019



Since July 2019 Villa Spinosa has entered FIVI, the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers, which was founded in 2008 and has now about 850 members. The Federation defends the interests of Italian winemakers versus the institutions, promoting the quality and authenticity of Italian wines, and is part of CEVI, the European Confederation of Independent Winegrowers.

"We have decided to join FIVI - says Enrico Cascella Spinosa, who runs Villa Spinosa – as we believe in this association that has fought to defend the winemakers and carry on the wine quality and the wine authenticity. Right now, the acceptance and support of the value of authenticity must be a priority for all true winemakers. "



Villa Spinosa has entered FIVI, the Italian Federation of Indipendent Winegrowers.

The winery from the Valpolicella Classica enters FIVI, the Italian Federation of Italian Winegrowers, founded in 2008 and counting about 850 members.


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