It's always spring the time to enrich the "Garden of the Villa" with new plants and new flowers.
April 03rd, 2019
It’s always spring the time to enrich the "Garden of the Villa" with new plants and new flowers. The gardening intervention goes on even in 2019 to make Villa Spinosa even more colorful and joyful. The rose collection has now reached 110 red, yellow and pink plants: the slogan is now "more roses for everyone". The Hemerocallis Stella de Oro and the bells, with their yellow-blue colors reminding of our football team, Hellas Verona, get more and more. Solanum, hidrangee, knock out roses as well as banksiae and cocktails roses plus lavenders grow. Geraniums roxanne and budleya davidii enter for the first time at Villa Spinosa. The 23 plants of the " Fruit Calendar", the collection of typical fruit trees growing in Valpolicella, are in full production. Prickly pears and aromatic herbs continue to grow. Come and visit us in Jago, at the Enoteca in Tinaia, the Wine Shop of Villa Spinosa, to taste the wines together and to enjoy the "Garden of the Villa".
"The Garden of the Villa": new plants and new flowers.
At Villa Spinosa "The Garden of the Villa" is getting more colorful and joyful for the guests discovering the Valpolicelal thanks to new flowers and plants.

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